
Showing posts from September, 2017

A brief history of Modest Islamic Abaya dress: The cultural cloth more than a religious symbol

As it turns out, Modest Islamic Abaya have been worn for more than 4000 years. The basic concept behind it till date remains the same. The body should be covered from head to toe. But, when and how this custom started is still a matter of debate. It can be easily recognized as a long-sleeve robe-like dress, generally black in colour and it is the traditional form of dress for many countries of the Arabian countries including Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. In Iran and adjoining areas the Abaya is referred to as a “chador” and in South Asia it is called a burqa. In Mesopotamian culture, before Islam arrived, women used to dress very differently. The dresses were more liberal. But as the Islam took over, the women were told to wear veils and covered dresses. These veils were made in metal at first. In some cultures it is still worn till date. The covered dresses also helped women against extreme dessert heat.   But in recent times, Abayas have come a long way. Fro...